Here's a few photos from our film session on some secrete trails built by the riders pictured here.
Joe Markus dropping the road gap on the jump trial. Tarren Closson hauling ass into the snowboard kicker.
Jaycob Daiek airing out over the valley view.
Josh Daiek(Baby J), younger brother, bustins some air on the trick trail.
Coery Dicks busting a tight air into the pocket over the side gap.
Corey sending it off the massive road gap.
Mike Olson, long time tahoe shred getting sideways on the snowboard kicker.
Mike O had been busting the snowboard jump all day. On his last jump of the day he blasted a huge air and got a little squirrely. Lost his foot on the peddle and came down chest first on his seat.
The result was a punctured lung and three broken ribs.
The day would have been allot more eco friendly if it wasn't for the life flight out of this remote area. Mt. Biking is no joke. These guys are really throwing it out there. Huge sketchy jumps with sharp rocks and trees all around. One mistake can take you out for the rest of the season. Thankfully Mike has made a full recovery and is back on the trails doing what he loves.
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